I used to live in the inner sunset and drove by this bar every time that I drove to or from SF. I’ve always wondered about it. in my mind, this place would be all historic looking on the inside, with lots of armchairs and people smoking pipes. people would be sitting around and playing chess with each other, or lazily leafing through thick books while they drank cognac. possibly a person or two inside would be wearing a monocle or maybe even a top hat. who knows.
well, my dreams of this place were shattered when I finally went there. instead of the philosopher’s club, they should have named it “Nondescript Bar” or possibly “Just Some Bar”. or, I guess they could have named it after the very weak drinks that they pour. none of us were very impressed by this place. oh, and they had a bunch of big screen TVs which just really don’t seem to belong in a “philosopher’s club”. the only thing this place really had going for it was that it was pretty much the only bar in the area. I guess if you are in the West Portal and are stranded, this could be your local bar. luckily, we weren’t stranded, so we left after 2 drinks.
Philosopher’s Club is at 824 Ulloa Street in San Francisco