i’m not voting

i’m a total loser. i’m registered to vote in Sunnyvale instead of SF. i’ve kept meaning to do a change of address so that i could vote in SF local elections, but have just been to lazy and lame to do it. i just finally filled out the online form today. it turns out that to vote in a local election, you only need to register 15 days in advance…. which means that if i had just gotten my ass in gear 2 weeks ago, i could have voted tomorrow. *sigh*.


8 thoughts on “i’m not voting”

  1. call the Department of Elections. if you can prove you live in San Francisco (utility bill, etc.), you can go to the nearest polling place and fill out a provisional ballot. provisional ballots get sent to the Department of Elections to be verified and get counted once they have been. also, be sure to fill out a new registration card at the polling place.

  2. thanks for the advice. unfortunately, when i called them, they told me that unless i was registered specifically in SF at least 15 days before the election, i can’t vote no matter what. 🙁


  3. wow, that’s so not what they told me. my girlfriend moved in with me from Oakland and they told me to just have her go to do the provisional ballot. weird.

  4. vlad… didn’t you go through this for the last election? I seem to remember something about that. Has this happened TWICE?

  5. yes. it has. for the same election. there was the election for mayor a while back… and then today was the run-off for that election. i totally regretted not being able to vote back then, but instead of doing something aboout it and re-registering, i just whined about it in my LJ instead.

    well, yesterday i re-registered online, so as long as i mail back the card they send me, i should be fine from now on…


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